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/ Fonts for You / Fonts For You (Fantazia Concepts)(1994).ISO / script / truetype / s9n.ttf (.png) < prev   
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-02  |  55KB
Labels: grass | lodestone | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | water
OCR: abede/ghijklmnopgrshxoxy CBC DERODAJK 0123456729 The auick brixen ex pimye Ho laxy dg The quick brewon fox jumps cver the laxy dog The quick brown fox jumps ooer the lary dog. The quick fox jumps over the hzD1 .bop The quick brown fox jumj ps over the hzD1 -bop he quick brown ox jumps over the lazy .bop The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. CBCDE PORSOEN rwarys grick brexn lasy broon